Resident Evil 2 Leon Scenario 2 Speed Guide By Mark Kim a.k.a. Vestiroth Version 0.15 Last Update: 10June1998 Street Date: 10June1998 Newer versions of this speed guide for Leon's Second Scenario can be picked up at where my website is located at. If you have any corrections, fixes, or suggestions with this speed guide, then please e-mail ve at with the subject of Resident Evil 2 Leon Scenario 2 Speed Guide Fix or Your Biohazard 2 FAQ. Please be informed that I will not accept any spamming whatsoever. If you want to know why I hate spamming, you should visit the moment before you send me e-mail. This document must be viewed in a monotype format like Courier or the appearance of this FAQ will not be correct. In this speed guide, I am assuming that you have either played Leon's Second Scenario lots of times. My sole purpose is to make this FAQ the least reliable resource among all Leon FAQs available. If you are a beginner, then you are encouraged to read Brandon W. Dennis' work at the Resident Evil 2 Folder of the Sony PlayStation Directory at CJayC's site ( This is more of an expert guide rather than a scrubs' guide. Disclaimer: The contents of this FAQ are trademarks and copyrights of Mark Kim. All rights reserved. Resident Evil, Resident Evil 2, Biohazard, Biohazard 2, and all Resident Evil-related material are trademarks and copyrights of Capcom Co. LTD. and Capcom USA, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Vestiroth is a trademark and copyright of Mark Kim. All Rights Reserved. This FAQ may be redistributed and reused as long as the contents are unedited, untouched, unpirated, unmodified, and as long as you are not making money out of this work by selling printouts and as long as you give me proper credit for this work. This FAQ was created to comply with all International Copyright and Trademark Laws, including United States Title 107. If for any reason you have good faith that I may have infringed any of these copyright and trademark laws, please e-mail me immediately at with the subject of Copyright Infringement. Please tell me the material that is violating these treaties and I'll take action from there. ============================================================================== HISTORY OF THE FAQ Version 0.11 (1June1998): To show further appreciation in playing Resident Evil 2, I have created a totally brief Leon Scenario 2 Speed Guide strictly for use with Experts. Version 0.15 (10June1998): I had to update the warning just before the final battle against Tyrant, the Naked Zombies, and William Birkin because as I figured out, you need not use the Shotgun if you have 16 Magnum Bullets and upgraded to the Custom Magnum nearing the end of the game. Also, I may have touched up the areas in order to include my recommendation that you shouldn't save at all. Also keep in mind that you can only get the Infinite Weapons once. Also, I have stated a benefit of playing as Ada during her miniquests. ============================================================================== CONTENTS OF THIS FAQ: - What this FAQ is intended for - Vestiroth's recommendations - The Body of this FAQ - What items to avoid - Special Items and Characters - How to mirror this FAQ or send a new version to - Resources of this FAQ - Credits ============================================================================== WHAT THIS FAQ IS INTENDED FOR If you had to ask me how long it took me to beat Leon's Scenario 2 (in Normal Difficulty), then I beaten the game in only 1:54:45 without saving, using any first aid sprays (No, remember these are harmful), and without taking any cheap weapons. I wrote this work ONLY AS A SPEED GUIDE and as a guide meant for experts and professionals. It is not intended as a guide for scrubs. Doing this will result in bombmailing the author (which I will not tolerate) and will result in EXTREME anxiety and depression. ============================================================================== VESTIROTH'S RECOMMENDATIONS 1. Never, ever, ever pick up or use a first aid spray (although you are tempted to do so) because you will receive less points for using them. If you want to restore yourself back to FINE condition, then use an herb or two instead. 2. To get the Gatling Gun, you cannot save at all in this scenario. If you are one of those boneheads who despises gatling guns for some odd reason, then I suggest that you do not save any more than 6 times (which is too much for my tastes). You will get two saves for every Ink Ribbon you pick up, but try not to pick too many up as they are rather bad almost all of the time. You must have also beaten the game in under two-and-a-half hours and have used no first aid sprays, and you must have not picked up any cheap weapons at all. 3. Most of the time in this guide, I will not mention about any enemies that dwell around the scenario neither I will mention dropping off any unneeded items in the magic box. It is your responisibility to know what item you need to get your way through. In this speed guide, I will tell you what the required items are from time to time. If you are going for the Gatling Gun, then your main concerns will be negotiating the heavy army of Lickers in certain parts of the game (I died one time during Leon's Second Scenario from a flying slash, even though I was in fine condition) and the tons of zombies in the reception hall at the Umbrella Lab and at the hall which leads to the Liaison Room in the Police Station. 4. I am not going to mention picking up ammo or any herbs unless otherwise stated because I'd rather keep my nose off other people's beezwacks as you fight through survival in Leon's Second Scenario. 5. I will omit a lot of side areas that will waste time. I will also suggest you to skip all of the CGs and the announcer at the beginning (because I hate to listen to the same thing more than once). Side Areas usually lead to extra ammo, and you should only go inside one of these areas if you are running out of ammo. If you are thrifty with your ammunition, then you need not go inside any ammo rooms at all (You should have lots of ammo if you learn how to take on several enemies with one shot). 6. Notice that I have omitted certain parts of the mission for the interest of saving you time. I RECOMMEND THAT YOU DO NOT SAVE DURING THIS SCENARIO AT ALL. If you want to go for the Rocket Launcher, then keep in mind that you will get two saves for every Ink Ribbon you pick up but remember that Ink Ribbons are bad for speed-minded players almost all of the time, but to me and anyone going for the Gatling Gun, these are bad. If you have to ask, keep in mind that I also have omitted picking up any unneccessary weapons and health aids. My purpose in this FAQ is to be as brief as possible. 7. You need not to get all files to beat the game because this guide assumes that you know everything about Leon's Second Scenario anyway. 8. The Magnum should be used only against Tyrant and William Birkin. Use the Shotgun against Zombies, Lickers, plants, and dogs. Also, I encourage you to get the Shotgun and Magnum Parts (I am assuming that you know where these parts are at) to upgrade your weapons later in the game. When you find these parts, use up the entire magazine that you currently have. When the gun runs out the ammo (check the Item Screen as often as you should), then combine the parts with the weapon for a free reload. This way you don't have to whine about running out of ammo. My respective thanks to Jim Irwin for the facts about upgrading weapons. I found that the Shotgun would also be good against William Birkin, but I would only do so if you are not in auto-aiming mode. 9. If you are going for the Gatling Gun, then make sure that you check your health often. Make sure that Leon's hand isn't grabbing his stomach (that is the sign that Leon's condition is getting worse). If this is so, then please heal Leon (but don't use a health spray) as soon as possible. 10. During an Ada quest you can fire faster than Leon--a great benefit to have whenever you're taking on the zombies. Even though it's only a sub-quest, you must keep Ada in good condition at all times. The game ends if Ada dies under the hands of the Zombies or if Ada gets grabbed by the bees for too long. ============================================================================== NOW IT'S TIME TO START THE GUIDE: From the area which Leon and Claire split up into two groups: Just avoid the zombies at the street and concentrate on getting the Cabin Key to unlock the Cabin Door. Get inside the Cabin, then past through the cabin, then go up the stairs that leads you to the Helicopter Wreckage Area. Just avoid the zombies until you get inside Crow Hall, because killing zombies is just a waste of ammo up until you get into the Heli Wreckage Area. As you approach Crow Hall, watch out for the Crows who block the corridor. Your next target is the Liaison Room, where you will need to pick up the Valve Handle to extinguish the flame. After getting the handle, go back to the outer Wreckage Area, extinguish the flame, and open the door to have Tyrant butt in now. After going back inside Crow Hall, you won't be able to go back outside from Crow Hall again, leaving you with a new can of worms. Run away from Tyrant (Be careful because Tyrant will always get his man) and advance to the Inner Wreckage Hall and face two Lickers. Go inside the Jewel Hall to get the Hall Keycard, ignore the Licker, and advance to the Waiting Room. Required Items: Valve Handle From the Waiting Room, release the Emergency Ladder and go down to the ladder immediately. Advance to the Visitor Registration Room, into the Licker Hall, and solve the Briefing Room Puzzle to get the first Red Jewel (The Lighter is standard with Leon, so there's no need to explain a lot about this!). Continue toward the Darkroom Hall, climb up the stairs, solve the pain-in-the- ass statue puzzle (for the second red jewel), and into the area where you will run into both Sherry and Claire. Be sure you get the Diamond Key on your way back to the Darkroom Hall and make sure that you get the Shotgun at the Hall and the Magnum at the STARS office--you'll be left in the dark without them! Make your way to the Solved Files Room, and into the Locker Room to get the Heart Key. Go back to the Liaison Room, right into the door which leads to both the Watchman's Room and the Basement, then negotiate the Basement and the lower parking lot and meet up with Ada. Once Ada finishes talking, push the car, into the jail cell to find Ben Bertolucci. Required Items: Diamond Key, Heart Key After talking to Ben, get the Manhole Opener and use it to go inside the manhole where the dogs are jailed at. Negotiate the first sewer corridor, into the Chess-Operated Door Area, and back to the hallway where you will now play as Ada for awhile. Concentrate on solving the Irrigational Room Puzzle to get the Club Key and return back where the Ada mini-quest started. Now with the Club Key on Leon's Possesion, return back to the Inner Basement, into the Watchman's Hallway, and back into the Liaison Room, taking a right to the Video Reception Hall. Go inside the Video Room and solve the Faucet Fire puzzle to get the Cogwheel (but make sure that you steer clear of Mr. Cheese right now), then advance to the Criminal Monitoring Area to get the Chess Plug. Exit out of the Criminal Monitoring Room and out of the hallway and back to the Liaison Hallway only to find out that Mr. Selfish is blocking your way. Off the Tyrant with the Magnum and loot him before heading back to the Liaison Hallway and eventually the Main Hall. Required Items: Club Key, Diamond Key Take the Emergency Ladder to the Second Floor Waiting Room, and solve the Red Jewel Puzzle at the Jewel Room to get yet another Chess Key. Take the same path you took to find Sherry when you played as Claire to get the crank, then loot Mr. Nosy as you make your way back to the Second Floor Waiting Room. Required Items: Red Jewel, Red Jewel Head to the Library and solve the Shelf-to-picture puzzle for yet another Chess Key. Go to the third floor exit to the Main Hallway and solve the Clock Room Puzzle to get the fourth Chess Key. Go back down to help the mortally wounded Ben. Required Items: Crank, Cogwheel Now go back to the Chess-powered door area and make William Birkin pay for killing Ben. William is slow but his attacks pack a powerful punch. If you are careful of this cheesebrain, then you won't be needing any herbs during the first fight. Afterwards, use the chess plugs and go inside the true first room of the Sewer to yell at Ada for her carelessness. Required Items: All Chess Plugs Go to the Leon Control Room and into the lift to get wounded by Annette's gun (And never trust a cold-blooded blonde like Annette Birkin, who cares only about her work). As Ada, just go out of the Lift Hall, then onto the ladder which leads to the Ventilation Fan, and get justice-shot by Annette. Now Ada will beat Annette up after having enough with her. Then take the bridge and onto the ladder where you will regain control of Leon again. Exit the Lift Room into the sewers, and make your way to the same area Claire got annoyed by Annette in the first scenario. Solve the classic Valve Handle Puzzle and enter the Alligator Hall. Go to the Dumping Area and rescue Ada. If you haven't killed the Alligator yet, then just release the canister and when the Alligator eats the Canister, shoot him just once. Required Item: Valve Handle Go to the Ada ladder and get patched up by Ada (oh my goodness). Now go up the ladder, cross the bridge, into the sewer management mainframes to get the Eagle Medal (While rescuing Ada you should have gotten the Wolf Medal). Go back to the Ada Ladder, out of the Dumping Area, out of the Alligator Hall, use the Valve Handle to lower the bridge for the final time, cross the bridge, and nullify the waterfall that's blocking the sewer and exit out of the sewer. Required Items: Valve Handle, Wolf Medal, Eagle Medal Play with the Switch to the Lift and get in. You will have to contend with William's hand while on the lift. Get out the lift, get the Weapon Box Key, and get in the factory. Take the door to the next room and take the ladder that leads up to the safe room. Now go into the mini-lift, into the operation room to get the control panel key, and be prepared to get jacked by Tyrant once again (This guy doesn't seem to quit!). Loot him if you want, then go back to the safe room and use the Control Panel Key, and turn the switch on to get inside the lift. Required Item: Control Panel Key Inside the lift, Ada will get wounded by William's Hand. That means that you will have to fight William once again outside the lift. This William is similar to the William before the Final William at the end of Claire's First Scenario. Keep a distance from him and when he leaps into the lift, find refuge to another side and keep attacking him and repeat the process to defeat William until he can't take it anymore. Go inside the lift to find out that the lift can't operate, talk to Ada a bit, and go into the ventilation hole where the lift will operate without your guidance. Go inside the OSHA cautionary area to solve the stepstair puzzle, and go inside the lower level of the power room to turn on the power of the Elevator. Go inside the Elevator into the Security Area, and go to the East Area and solve the Fuse Case puzzle at the frozen room. Go back to the Core and use the Fuse Case to supply the power. Required Items: Fuse Case, Main Fuse Onto the West Area, open the switch to reveal the entrance to the ladder corridor and two plants (who are more powerful than those of Claire's First Scenario). Down the ladder through the MO Disk operation room, go to the Monitor Room and into the William Labratory Room to get the Power Room Key. Go back to the Security Room (You know where to head), into the elevator, and head to the doors that leads to the OSHA room where you will get yelled at by Annette for awhile. Afterwards, Tyrant comes to kill you (and to scare the hell out of Annette, I'm glad that Tyrant came to scare Annette off because she gives me the creeps). Loot Mr. Unfair once again, get inside the upper floor of the Power Room, have Mr. Dead-End chase you, and eventually, have Ada sacrifice her life to save your ass from Mr. Meanie. Now go up to Ada and try to save her life, but since she suffered a fatal blow up to her heart, relieve her of the master key and mourn her death before leaving the upper power room. Required Item: Power Room Key WARNING: SAVE AT LEAST 3 MAGNUM BULLETS FOR THE FINAL ENCOUNTER WITH TYRANT, 5 FOR TAKING OUT THE NAKED ZOMBIES WHO WILL TRY TO PREVENT YOU FROM UNCLOGGING THE TRAIN PASSAGE, AND 8 FOR THE FINAL ENCOUNTER AGAINST WILLIAM BIRKIN. ADD THEM UP TOGETHER, AND YOU SHOULD HAVE 16 MAGNUM BULLETS OVERALL. YOU MUST HAVE ALSO UPGRADED TO THE CUSTOM MAGNUM JUST BEFORE YOU SUPPLY THE POWER TO THE TRAIN OR JUST BEFORE ANNETTE BIRKIN YELLS AT YOU FOR THE FINAL TIME AT UMBRELLA. IF YOU DON'T MEET THESE PREREQUISITES, THEN YOUR CHANCES OF SURVIVAL MAY BE ALL FOR NAUGHT. After exiting out of the Upper Power Room, Claire will tell you to go inside the Security Office to pick up Sherry, and to drop her off the Emergency Train at the Emergency Platform. Required Item: Master Key Go to the end of the Train for the Platform Key, open the Platform Key and enter the upper crossing of the Train. WARNING: You only have five minutes from this point to finish up Tyrant and to finish solving the Train Puzzle, so make sure you do not waste any time. Now go to the closed doors and retrieve the Joint S and Joint N Plug. Go to the Power Supplementation Area and use both plugs and to have Tyrant attack you the final time. Tyrant has even better reflexes than he did when he wore his coat. He performs charges that will always guarantee a hit and Tyrant never seem to miss. Three Magnum hits will prompt Ada to drop a Rocket Launcher. A perfect aim to Tyrant will result in a spectacular finish! Now go release the door which blocks the train, then start operating the train, and pick up Claire (who now has the antidote to heal Sherry) and William Birkin. I'll leave William Birkin up to you. ============================================================================== ITEMS TO AVOID As much as I want you to get the best rank score in the Leon Second Scenario Speed Guide, here are the items that YOU MUST NOT TAKE AND/OR USE AT ALL TIMES: - First Aid Sprays - Nearly all Ink Ribbons - Flame Thrower - Sub-Machine Gun - If you won any on previous scenarios, any infinite weapons ============================================================================== SPECIAL ITEMS AND CHARACTERS Rocket Launcher: You must beat either the first or second scenario in no more than 2 and one-half hours, saved no more than 6 times, used no health sprays, used no infinite weapons, and you must not have picked up the limited-ammo Sub-Machine Gun at any time. Infinite Ammo Uzi and Gatling Gun: You must beat the second scenario in no more than 2 and one-half hours, have NOT SAVED AT ALL, used no health sprays, used no infinite weapons, and you must not have picked up the limited-ammo Sub-Machine Gun at any time. Hunk: Beat the second scenario achieving the rank of A (providing that you have met the requirements for the Rocket Launcher or the cheap machine guns). Tofu: Beat 6 scenarios in a row and earn the right to play as Hunk by the end of the second scenario. Brad Vickers Zombie: Rush to the Police Station without getting any items at all. This is rather sarcastic because your limiting the amount of ammo you can hold at the beginning of the game. Once you kill Brad, get the special key from the slain corpse. Now open the locked doors at the Darkroom with this key for one new choice for Claire, and two new choices for Leon. I can't recommend hunting the Brad Vickers Zombie unless you're stupid enough to kill your rank score with an infinite weapon. This section only works in normal mode, and will not work in Easy Mode. You can only do all of them once. ============================================================================== HOW TO MIRROR THIS FAQ If you want to just get a printout of this work, then just use your browser's print option to print (but remember the legal notice at the beginning). If you want to mirror this work, here's what to do: - Go to - On your browser, click on File and Save As (I'm assuming that you are using Windows 95/98/NT 4.0). - Save this FAQ as Mark_Kim_biohazard2_leonb.txt on your target disk. - FTP this file to your account as usual - Provide a link to your mirrored file - E-Mail me to let me know that you are mirroring this FAQ (so your FAQ can meet my perfection guarantee) - Please link to - If you are CJayC, then there's no need to link to me If you are trying to submit the latest version of this work to, then please let me know that you are doing so. ============================================================================== RESOURCES OF THIS FAQ Jim Irwin Brandon W. Dennis You can find their work at ============================================================================== CREDITS AND SPECIAL THANKS - Capcom for making Resident Evil 2 more valuable to play than the first one. - Jim Irwin for telling me that the Infinite Ammo Weapons lowers your rank score, and the Flamethrower in Leon's Disc isn't necessary to complete the game. - Brandon W. Dennis for telling me that the First Aid Sprays, Limited-Ammo Submachine Gun lowers your rank score and to save the inventory slots to store your herbs. - Both Jim Irwin and Brandon W. Dennis for motivating me to become a speed- minded Resident Evil 2 player with their FAQs. Please read their FAQs at the site at either of these addresses: (The Resident Evil 2 Folder of the Sony PlayStation Game Folder) This premier public release is dedicated to the loving memory of Princess Diana of Wales and Fashion Designer Gianni Versace. We need to stop destroying people for a stupid reason right now.